Ancient History
Danon, Bart. Wealth, Office and Rank in Roman Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025.
Danon, Bart. “Senators and Senatorial Wealth at Pompeii: Reconstructing the Local Wealth Distribution.” In The Uncertain Past, edited by Myles Lavan, Daniel Jew, and Bart Danon, 93–134. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Danon, Bart, Daniel Jew, and Myles Lavan. “Afterword.” In The Uncertain Past, edited by Myles Lavan, Daniel Jew, and Bart Danon, 297–302. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Lavan, Myles, Daniel Jew, and Bart Danon, eds. The Uncertain Past: Probability in Ancient History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Danon, Bart. “Wijn, winst en waarschijnlijkheid: Het rendement van Columella’s wijngaard.” Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 66 (2022): 18–24.
Danon, Bart. “THE ROMAN SPATIO-ECONOMIC TURN – (F.) Vermeulen, (A.) Zuiderhoek (Edd.) Space, Movement and the Economy in Roman Cities in Italy and Beyond.” The Classical Review 72, no. 2 (2022): 661–64.
Danon, Bart. “Wealth, Rank and Officeholding in Roman Italy: A Quantitative Study.” PhD thesis, University of St Andrews, 2021.
Danon, Bart. “A Quantitative Analysis of Caesar’s Representation of Celeritas.” Acta Classica 61, no. 1 (2018): 16–35.
Chemical Engineering (h-index = 20)
Mkhize, N.M., B. Danon, J. Alvarez, G. Lopez, M. Amutio, J. Bilbao, M. Olazar, P. van der Gryp, and J.F. Görgens. “Influence of Reactor and Condensation System Design on Tyre Pyrolysis Products Yields.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 143 (2019).
Mkhize, N.M., B. Danon, P. van der Gryp, and J.F. Görgens. “Kinetic Study of the Effect of the Heating Rate on the Waste Tyre Pyrolysis to Maximise Limonene Production.” Chemical Engineering Research and Design 152 (2019): 363–71.
Lopez, G., J. Alvarez, M. Amutio, N.M. Mkhize, B. Danon, P. van der Gryp, J.F. Görgens, J. Bilbao, and M. Olazar. “Waste Truck-Tyre Processing by Flash Pyrolysis in a Conical Spouted Bed Reactor.” Energy Conversion and Management 142 (2017): 523–32.
Alvarez, J., G. Lopez, M. Amutio, N.M. Mkhize, B. Danon, P. van der Gryp, J.F. Görgens, J. Bilbao, and M. Olazar. “Evaluation of the Properties of Tyre Pyrolysis Oils Obtained in a Conical Spouted Bed Reactor.” Energy 128 (2017): 463–74.
Mkhize, N.M., B. Danon, P. van der Gryp, and J.F. Görgens. “Condensation of the Hot Volatiles from Waste Tyre Pyrolysis by Quenching.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 124 (2017): 180–85.
Gunasee, S.D., B. Danon, J.F. Görgens, and R. Mohee. “Co-Pyrolysis of LDPE and Cellulose: Synergies during Devolatilization and Condensation.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 126 (2017): 307–14.
Edwards, D.W., B. Danon, P. van der Gryp, and J.F. Görgens. “Quantifying and Comparing the Selectivity for Crosslink Scission in Mechanical and Mechanochemical Devulcanization Processes.” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 133, no. 37 (2016).
Mkhize, N.M., P. van der Gryp, B. Danon, and J.F. Görgens. “Effect of Temperature and Heating Rate on Limonene Production from Waste Tyre Pyrolysis.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 120 (2016): 314–20.
Danon, B., and J. Görgens. “Determining Rubber Composition of Waste Tyres Using Devolatilisation Kinetics.” Thermochimica Acta 621 (2015): 56–60.
Hongsiri, W., B. Danon, and W. de Jong. “The Effects of Combined Catalysis of Oxalic Acid and Seawater on the Kinetics of Xylose and Arabinose Dehydration to Furfural.” International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 6, no. 1 (2015): 21–30.
Danon, B., A. De Villiers, and J.F. Görgens. “Elucidation of the Different Devolatilisation Zones of Tyre Rubber Pyrolysis Using TGA-MS.” Thermochimica Acta 614 (2015): 59–61.
Danon, B., P. Van Der Gryp, C.E. Schwarz, and J.F. Görgens. “A Review of Dipentene (Dl-Limonene) Production from Waste Tire Pyrolysis.” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 112 (2015): 1–13.
Danon, B., N.M. Mkhize, P. Van Der Gryp, and J.F. Görgens. “Combined Model-Free and Model-Based Devolatilisation Kinetics of Tyre Rubbers.” Thermochimica Acta 601 (2015): 45–53.
Danon, B., G. Marcotullio, and W. De Jong. “Mechanistic and Kinetic Aspects of Pentose Dehydration towards Furfural in Aqueous Media Employing Homogeneous Catalysis.” Green Chemistry 16, no. 1 (2014): 39–54.
Danon, B., W. Hongsiri, L. van der Aa, and W. de Jong. “Kinetic Study on Homogeneously Catalyzed Xylose Dehydration to Furfural in the Presence of Arabinose and Glucose.” Biomass and Bioenergy 66 (2014): 364–70.
Hongsiri, W., B. Danon, and W. De Jong. “Kinetic Study on the Dilute Acidic Dehydration of Pentoses toward Furfural in Seawater.” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 53, no. 13 (2014): 5455–63.
Danon, B., L. Van Der Aa, and W. De Jong. “Furfural Degradation in a Dilute Acidic and Saline Solution in the Presence of Glucose.” Carbohydrate Research 375 (2013): 145–52.
Danon, B., W. de Jong, and W. van Well. “Kinetic Study on the Formation of Furfural from Pentoses in Complex Sugar Solutions.” NWBC 2012 – 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, 2012, 420–22.
Danon, B., E.-S. Cho, W. De Jong, and D.J.E.M. Roekaerts. “Parametric Optimization Study of a Multi-Burner Flameless Combustion Furnace.” Applied Thermal Engineering 31, no. 14–15 (2011): 3000–3008.
Danon, B., E.-S. Cho, W. De Jong, and D.J.E.M. Roekaerts. “Numerical Investigation of Burner Positioning Effects in a Multi-Burner Flameless Combustion Furnace.” Applied Thermal Engineering 31, no. 17–18 (2011): 3885–96.
Danon, B., A. Swiderski, W. De Jong, W. Yang, and D.J.E.M. Roekaerts. “Emission and Efficiency Comparison of Different Firing Modes in a Furnace with Four HiTAC Burners.” Combustion Science and Technology 183, no. 7 (2011): 686–703.
Cho, E.-S., B. Danon, W. de Jong, and D.J.E.M. Roekaerts. “Behavior of a 300kW<inf>th</Inf> Regenerative Multi-Burner Flameless Oxidation Furnace.” Applied Energy 88, no. 12 (2011): 4952–59.
Danon, B., W. De Jong, and D.J.E.M. Roekaerts. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a FLOX Combustor Firing Low Calorific Value Gases.” Combustion Science and Technology 182, no. 9 (2010): 1261–78.
Girisuta, B., B. Danon, R. Manurung, L.P.B.M. Janssen, and H.J. Heeres. “Experimental and Kinetic Modelling Studies on the Acid-Catalysed Hydrolysis of the Water Hyacinth Plant to Levulinic Acid.” Bioresource Technology 99, no. 17 (2008): 8367–75.
Danon, B., B.C.H. Venneker, W. De Jong, and D.J.E.M. Roekaerts. “Numerical Analysis of a Multi-Burner FLOX? Combustion Furnace at Different Configurations.” VDI Berichte, no. 1988 (2007): 339–44.